Summer Program 2020/2021.


Meals made fresh every Sunday.

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Over 50 volunteers participated to provide nutritious meals to families who need it most throughout the City of Casey. We met every Sunday over the 2020/2021 Summer (December - February) to prepare these meals and distribute them to those that ordered from us.

Our Menu.

The meals we provided were carefully curated by our in-house dieticians. Below is an outline of each meal we made and their nutritional contents.

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Christine Nikolopoulos

Bachelor of Nutrition Sciences; Master of Dietetics

Monash University

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Vanessa Morando

Bachelor of Nutrition Sciences; Master of Dietetics

Monash University

Weeks 1-6.

week 5 or 6 idk_2.JPG
week 5 or 6 idk_4.JPG

Weeks 7-11.

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week 5 or 6 idk_8.JPG

“Food is the ingredient that binds us together.”

— Quote Source